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發(fā)表時間:2012/11/25 11:43:05 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信


The meaning of time differ in different parts of the world.Thus,__1_ arise between prople from culture that _2__ time differently. Promptness is valued _3__ in Americna life.For example, if people are not prompt,__4_ may be regard as impolite __5_ not fully responsible. In the US,no one would __6_ of keeping a business associate __7_ for an hour.It would be too impolite,_8__ equal meet,a person who is five minutes late is ecpected _9__ a short apology.__10_ he is less than five minuteslate,he _11__ say a few words of explaintion ,_12__ perhaps he will not complete the sentence.

This _13__ of treating time is quite different from _14__ of several other cultures.This _15__ to explain the _16__ experience of a certain agriculturist from the United States,__17_ a duty in another country.After what seemed to him a suitable _18__ period,he _19__ that he would like to call _20__ the minister of agriculture.For various reasons the suggested time did not suit the minister;there were indirect indications that the time was not yet suitable.

1) A understanding B misunderstanding C believing D belief

2) A address B treat C handle D apply

3) A lowly B slowly C immediately D highly

4) A friends B they C others D American

5) A but B yet C or else D or

6) A consider B suppose C think D like

7) A waiting B to wait C waited D wait

8) A Since B When C While D That

9) A making B to make C made D have made

10) A Though B However C If D as though

11) A can B will C likely D maybe

12) A and B but C though D however

13) A practice B process C manner D way

14) A those B which C want D that

15) A saves B helps C serves D aids

16) A happy B fortunate C lucky D unfortunate

17) A attributed B assigned C distributed D named

18) A waiting B tried C waited D trying

19) A announced B declare C published D reported

20) A on B out C about D up





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