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關(guān)于12.6雅思聽力之 Passion Fruit

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關(guān)于12.6雅思聽力之 Passion Fruit
  雅思聽力此前也考查到過關(guān)于某種植物或水果,比如香蕉的種植和栽培,這樣的部分,大部分都是大家比較熟悉的事物,但這次考查的passion fruit究竟為何物,很多同學一點概念都沒有,英漢詞典的解釋為 西番蓮果:西番蓮的一種可食果實。 好像還不是能夠比較全面的了解這究竟是個什么東東。 筆者查閱了大量的原版外文資料,總結(jié)了一下passion fruit的方方面面。
  Common Names: Passion Fruit, Granadilla, Purple Granadilla, Yellow Passion Fruit
  The passionfruit is a vigorous, shallow rooted, perennial vine that climbs by means of tendrils. There are two types of passionfruit. They are the yellow passionfruit (Passiflora edulis forma flavicarpa) which is suited to tropical conditions, and the purple passionfruit (Passiflora edulis forma edulis) which grows best under sub-tropical conditions. The yellow passionfruit is tolerant to most of the soil borne pests and diseases that affectthe purple type, and is more prolific, bearing larger, heavier fruit with more juice, which has a higher acid content than the purpletype. The flavour of the purple type is preferred over that of the yellow type.
  Origin: The purple passion fruit is native from southern Brazil through Paraguay to northern Argentina. It has been stated that the yellow form is of unknown origin, or perhaps native to the Amazon region of Brazil, or is a hybridbetween P. edulis and P. ligularis . Cytological studies have not borne out the hybrid theory. In Australia the purple passion fruit was flourishing and partially naturalized in coastal areas of Queensland before 1900. In Hawaii, seeds of the purple passion fruit, brought from Australia, were first planted in 1880 and the vine came to be popular in home gardens.
  Adaptation: The purple passion fruit is subtropical and prefers a frost-free climate. However, there are cultivars that can take temperatures into the upper 20's (°F) without serious damage. The plant is widely grown in California as far north as San Jose, the Monterey Bay Area and the San Franciso Bay Area. The vines may lose some of their leaves in cool winters. The roots often resprout even if the top is killed. The plant does not grow well in intense summer heat. The yellow passion fruit is tropicalor near-tropical and is much more intolerant of frost. Both forms need protection from the wind. Generally, annual rainfall should be at least 35 inches. Passion fruit vines make good container specimens but require maintenance. They perform well indoors.
  Growth Habit: The passion fruit is a vigorous, climbing vine that clings by tendrils to almost any support. It can grow 15 to 20 ft. per year once establishedand must have strong support. It is generally short-lived (5 to 7 years).
  Flowers: A single, fragrant flower, 2 to 3 inches wide, is born at each node on the new growth. The bloom, clasped by 3 large, green, lifelike bracts, consists of 5 greenish-white sepals, 5 white petals and a fringelike corona of straight, white-tipped rays, rich purple at the base. It also has 5 stamens with large anthers, the ovary and triple-branched style forming a prominent central structure. Purple passion fruit is self-fruitful, but pollination is best under humid conditions. The flowers of the yellow form are perfect but self-sterile. Carpenter bees are the most efficientpollinator, much more so than honey bees. Wind is ineffective because of the heaviness and stickiness of the pollen. The flowers can also be hand pollinated.
  Fruit: The nearly round or ovoid fruit, 1-1/2 to 3 inches wide, has a tough rind that is smooth and waxy and ranging in hue from dark purple with faint, fine white specks, to light yellow or pumpkin-color. Within is a cavity more or less filled with an aromaticmass of double walled, membranous sacs containing orange-colored, pulpy juice and as many as 250 small, hard, dark brown or black, pitted seeds. The unique flavor is appealing, musky, guava-like and sweet/tart to tart. The yellow form has generally larger fruit than the purple, but the pulp of the purple is less acid, richer in aroma and flavor, and has a higher proportion of juice (35-38%). Numeroushybrids have been made between purple and the yellow passion fruit, often yielding colors and other characteristic intermediate between the two forms. The vine, especially the yellow form, is fast-growing and will begin to bear in 1 to 3 years. Ripening occurs 70 to 80 days after pollination
  Pest and Disease Control論壇
  Pests and diseases may attack plants as early as the nursery stage. Caterpillars and slugs may attack the plants, while fungi may cause damping-off and loss of plants. Slugbait should be spread around seedling or a liquid slug control could be incorporated into the fungicide drenches (benomyl) for the control of damping-off. An insecticide is sprayed at the recommended rate every two to four weeks for caterpillarcontrol. Both insect and fungal problems in passionfruit could be controlled through proper cultural practices and chemical sprays.
  A passionfruit orchard may have a life span of 3-5 years. There are two major seasons of production, June to August and November to January. Fruits are harvested when they have dropped to the ground. Green or immature fruits should not be picked off the vine as they will not ripen, they will also be off flavored and have a higher concentration of cyanogenic glycosides (a toxin produced by the vine). Fruits should be collected 2 to 3 times per week.
  Passion fruits are processed into juices, which are sold either in single strength or as frozen concentrates. The passion fruit juice is also used in the production of cordials, alcoholic beverages, ice creams, and confectionery and mixed fruit blends.
  考題中考查到passion fruit的生長地點,產(chǎn)量,生長氣候,價格等問題,以選擇題和填空題為主,難度頗大,比如涉及到addictive-free, socio-economic effects 等概念,對于詞匯量比較少,知識面又窄的同學來說確實難度不小。平時切實需要多閱讀,擴大自己的知識面,才能在考試中不心慌,不著急。
  更多信息請訪問:外語站點 外語論壇


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