


發(fā)表時間:2013/10/16 15:15:26 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

1. 我認為年輕人應(yīng)該能夠有自己作決定的自由和空間。

I think young people should have the freedom and the space to make their own decisions.

2. 由于奧運會規(guī)模越來越大,為了大多數(shù)的城市將沒有能力舉辦。

The Olympic Games are growing so big that most cities may not be able to host them in future.

3. 當(dāng)奧運會結(jié)束后,所有累積的專業(yè)經(jīng)驗就消失,使下一屆主辦城市必須一切從零開始。

Currently, once the Games are finished, all the gathered expertise vanishes and the next city has to begin from scratch.

4. 除了一般大學(xué)程度的課程之外,盧浮學(xué)院也提供大眾免費的夜間藝術(shù)史課程。

The Ecole du Louvre, in addition to its regular university-level curricula, offers free public evening classes in art history.

5. 你會相信咖啡有助于保護你的腦部免收一種危險的退化性疾病的侵襲嗎?

Would you believe coffee and help protect your brain from a dangerous degenerative disease?

6. The two of us sit on chairs and stare upward and around until closing time, watching the sun illuminate the stained glass panes deep red, blue, gold, and a near blinding white. On the way out, someone coughs, and the sound goes on and on—acoustics in this chapel are remarkable.(英譯漢)





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