1.Why didn't the Marine tell the nurse that the dying man was not his father?
2.How do the English feel about their pronunciation?
3.Why didn't Bill stop and help his friend when hie friend hurt his foot?
4.Why did Agent X decide to play the violin?
5.Why don't many highly-paid managers and entertainers feel happy?
6.Why did Henry Ground,the joker once go door to door telling people's forunes?
7.How does the man feel after the incident in the subway station in Little Things Are Big?
8.How did David's sife,Polly feel when David and Cory said good-bye?
9.What was Mr.Budd thinking when he was combing the large man's hair?
10.What was Louise thinking when she stopped crying in her own room?
Because the Marine realized the old man didn't know he was not his son and he really needed him at the moment so he stayed.
They are quite confident aboout the correctness of their pronunciation.
Because he was a very selfish person.He felt his friend would be a burden to him if he took him along with him.
Because he wanted to find a breakthrough towards getting the dangerous killer Cal Richards.
Because they know they are contributing very little of real value to the society and all the time they live in fear of being exposed cheats.
Because he wanted to have fun.
He regrets that he didn't help the white woman.
She was very much moved,and she wasn't sure whether Cory was saying hello or goodbye.
He was thinking whether it was possible for him to arrest the man at that time.
She thinks of the unhappy marriage and the years of free life in front of her.
1.Unfortunately they hadn't allowed for the heavy traffic and got to the airport too late to catch their flight.
2.Watching news broadcast on TV can keep you up date on the situation both home and abroad.
3.He hopes to catch up on the lessons he missed during the weekend.
4.Once you have worked out a studay plan,you should put it into practice.
5.Many people lent a helping hand to that poor child.
6.He collected much money from his friends and posted it to the people in the earthquake area.
7.He looked a new word up in a dictionary whenever he runs across it.
8.It is the first time he has ever been in China.
9.He is a scientist who has made great contributions to the society.
10.She is no star.
11.It is reported in the newspaper today that a boy has helped the police to catch a robber.
12.Some Londen newspapers are full of personal advertise ments.
13.We were almost breathless when we climbed to the top of the mountain.
14.The headline of the newspaper caught my eye this morning.
15.Some burglars broke into Mr.Smith's house when they were away on holiday.